CORECHED Prize 2016

TREE publication wins CORECHED Prize 2016!

From left to right: Dr. Sandra Hupka-Brunner, Dr. Nina Wehner, Dr. Eveline Huber, BR Johann Schneider-Ammann, Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer, Dr. Karin Schwiter.

The award-winning contribution bears the title "Why Are Male Care Workers and Female Electricians still Rare? Gender Segregation in the Educational and Vocational Pathways of Young Adults in Switzerland" was published in 2014 in the Swiss Journal of Sociology (SJS). Sandra Hupka-Brunner, co-head of the TREE project, is among the authors.

The CORECHED Prize is awarded by the Swiss Council for Educational Research (CORECHED) for outstanding research projects in the domain of educational research. The prize money is 25.000 Swiss Francs.
