Transitions from Education to Employment

TREE-related research projects

To date, a large number of research activities have been drawing on the analytic potential of TREE's data. Over the years, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) alone has been funding projects with a total grant amount of almost 8mio CHF that explicitly rely on analyses of the TREE data. Some of them are conceived as extensions of the TREE main study, generating additional (qualitative or other) data that lend themselves to enlarge the scope of TREE's analytic potential towards mixed-methods designs.

PICE (Parental Investment in Children's Education)

PICE is a complementary TREE study that collected qualitative data allowing to investigat the influence of parental educational aspirations and support on career choices of young adults in Switzerland. The project was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation from 2019 to 2022.

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Ongoing projects

Understanding social gradients in education: A psycho-social-ecological framework (2020-2025)

Principal investigator: Kaspar Burger
SNSF grant information

Preferences or institutional constraints? Explanations for the persisting impact of gender and social background on field of study choice (2021-2025)

Principal investigator:Benita Combet
SNSF grant information

Strengthening Sequence Analysis (2022-2026)

Principal investigator: Matthias Studer
SNSF grant information

Recently concluded projects

The role of vocational specificity and skill demand in explaining long-term labour market outcomes of people with VET (2019-2022)

Principal investigator: Irene Kriesi
SNSF grant information

Alcohol use and misuse among young people: what about abstainers? An exploratory mixed-methods study (2021-2023)

Principal investigator: Joan-Carles Suris
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Further SNSF-funded projects 2010-2018